Really Good Stuff
Learn about how our reclamation process works and how you an choose to be a better steward of the environment while helping to serve your local Denver Community.

Getting Started
Materials we regularly reclaim include:
- Artificial Sports Turf Grass
- Commercial Carpet Tiles
- Reclaimed Lumber
Recycling/Reclaiming Carpet Tiles
Taking the next steps to reclaim carpet tiles is getting in contact with us about the quantity and condition of the carpet. We cannot intake any residential carpet.
After confirmation and agreements on materials, we are happy to take palletized stacks of carpet tiles 54" tall maximum. We cannot take ANY cut or partial pieces of carpet tiles. We are happy to work with you to drop off pallets if needed. If we are transporting the carpet to our processing facility, a transportation and intake fee will be associated with any amount over 10,000 sqft. Our insurance also requires the stacks of carpet to be wrapped in some secure manner, namely plastic wrap.
After our facility has processed the amount, we are happy to provide certificates of reclamation with posted weight, volume and materials.